
Contact Us:

By phone: Christine (Lodge Secretary)  07717 383139 or 01257 401152

By email: Chris (Secretary)

Wayne (President)

Please note our new venue -
Unity Church, The Gatehouse, 118 Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4DH

Only street parking I’m afraid at the moment but bus no 575 from Bolton bus Station to Chorley New Road will get you there for those not driving. Ask for the stop just after Queen’s Park on Chorley Road.

The Unity Centre is opposite Bolton School on the corner of Beverley Road and Chorley New Road.

All welcome. £3 minimum donation.
Refreshments provided.

Bolton Lodge dates Spring 2024

Meetings are on Sundays on the following dates at 2.30pm

You are warmly invited to our next Bolton Lodge public meeting


14th July
Tony McNeile
“Mythology and The Electric Universe”


“Planet Earth has been spinning its way around the sun for millions,
if not billions of years without disturbance - but has it?


This talk explores alternative ideas.    

The mythological wars of the ancient gods, the prophetic stories in scriptures may all be based on real events, and gravity may not be the only force that turns cosmic dust into suns and planets.” 


All Welcome.  Refreshments provided.
Cost £4 Non members £3 Members


Our meetings begin at 2.30 and end between 4.30 pm to 5 pm

All Welcome.  Refreshments provided. Cost £4. Members £3



Study groups led by President Wayne Gatfield 

First Sundays of the month at 2.30pm


3rd March

7th April

5th May

2nd June

7th July




Our room costs are doubling from September
so any donations above the admission costs gratefully received.


We are holding our meetings at our usual venue…
Unity Church,
The Gatehouse
118 Chorley New Road

Members - £20 per year  - apply for membership

The Theosophical Society is a worldwide body whose primary object is Universal Brotherhood without distinction based on the realization that life, and all its diverse forms, human and non-human, is indivisibly One. Seen as revolutionary when it was founded in 1875, the Society draws together those of goodwill whatever their social status or ethnicity. The Mission Statement of the Theosophical Society is:

“To serve humanity by cultivating an ever-deepening understanding and realization of the Ageless Wisdom, spiritual Self-transformation, and the Unity of all Life.”

On this website you will find some of the basic ideas about theosophy. However, the Theosophical Society does not ask its members to adhere to any of these ideas in particular. Members are only expected to be in agreement with the Three Objects of our organization:

  1. To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour.
  2. To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science.
  3. To investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man.

Members of the Society are united by their search for Truth and by their determination to promote brotherhood between all peoples – of all faiths or of none. The Society strenuously upholds Freedom of Thought and is founded on the basis of the broadest tolerance and the search for truth. A genuine commitment to brotherhood, which is the first object of the Society, is the mark of a truly spiritual person.

Benefits of membership include:

  • The fellowship of like-minded people in a worldwide community.
  • Access to resources on the members’ area of the website, including an extensive video library and a many theosophical articles.
  • Free access to the members’ lending library.
  • Free copies of the journal Insight and the theosophical magazine Esoterica.
  • Discounts for the Diploma in Theosophy and for many events organised by the Society.

You will also have the privilege of belonging to a tried and tested organisation which has been bringing the Great Esoteric Truths to the Western World for more than 140 years. Theosophy is the Shoreless Ocean of Universal Truth, Love and Wisdom.

Download the application form PDF

Download the application form Doc

New Venue:

Unity Church
The Gatehouse
118 Chorley New Road